Getting Started with PythonPilot™

Written by David Haessig

December 26, 2021

There are two ways that you can get started with PythonPilot:

  • If you take the first approach, you will construct your own python program.   This code will interface with the purple PythonPilot block shown in the diagram above.   It will provide the inputs required by PythonPilot, the command, control, and sensor inputs.   In addition it will connect the PWM control signals to the motors.   An Interface Control Document (ICD) is provided as a guide in this effort. 
  • The alternative approach involves the Raspberry Pi Flight Controller.   This is an electronics assembly on which PythonPilot is currently hosted, integrated and tested.   It combines the sensors, user interface, data links, electrical harnesses, and a mechanical structure into a fully integrated package.   It also is ready-to-fly on the PiQuad™ quadcopter.  Contact Us  (Robotics In Flight) to discuss any interest in collaborating to productize and commercialize the Raspberry Pi Flight Controller.   

The block diagram shown above depicts the system on which PythonPilot was developed.  It includes a Raspberry Pi single-board computer interfaced directly to ESC’s and motors, an IMU, and a CRIUS All-in-One Pro Flight Controller through which pilot commands and sensor data pass. An integral part of the PythonPilot Electronics Assembly is the Robotics In Flight interface code.

ESC – Electronics Speed Controller

IMU – Inertial Measurement Unit

RIF – Robotics In Flight LLC


PythonPilot™ is an open-source flight controller developed entirely in the USA, in Python from scratch.  It is customizable. Although developed initially for quadcopters, PythonPilot is readily extendable to multicopters having different motor arrangements, different frame sizes, and different platform dynamics.    And for those so motivated, it can be adapted to other types of unmanned vehicles such as ground vehicles, fixed wing aircraft, etc.

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