Robotics In Flight LLC has developed a complete Electronics Assembly for multi-copter operation. It is shown in block diagam form here and pictured below:

Basic IO
- 8 PWM Outputs to motor drives
- 8 PWM Inputs from radio controller receiver
- GPS antenna RF input
- WiFi
Additional User Configurable IO
- Several IO pins on Raspberry Pi available for user configuration
- RaspiCam input currently unused
This Raspberry Pi based drone flight controller includes:
- Raspberry Pi A+
- Magnetometer, baro-altimeter, and GPS interface
- Ultimate GPS receiver, integrated cable harness, high gain antenna (not shown)
- An MPU6050 Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU)
- WiFi
- Various cable harness — rPi to BDC motor ESC controllers, 5Vdc power input, IMU, and radio controller receiver cable
The Python Pilot flight control software has been fully integrated and tested on this hardware platform.
Also integrated and tested with this assembly:
- Turnigy 8x radio controller transmitter and receiver
- a 5.8 GHz FPV system including a video camera, stabilized gimbal, and 800 mW downlink transmitter
An interconnect diagram is shown here:
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