About Us

PythonPilot is a new, open-source autopilot built entirely in the USA, coded entirely in Python and currently supporting quadcopters.  Developed on the Raspberry Pi and operating under Linux Debian, it is hoped that this new platform will launch a variety of autopilot variants, including fixed wing aircraft, traditional helicopter, watercraft, ground vehicles, and others.  Users can either use the PiQuad Electronics Assembly developed by Robotics-In-Flight (PythonPilot has been integrated, tested, and is fully operational on this platform), or may utilize the open-source code on a platform that they are developing, providing command and sensor inputs through the fully documented PythonPilot IO interface.



Name Description Ver Copyright Holder License
pythonpilot_main.py Top level module (initialization, static variables, main loop) 1 RIF, 2017-2021 GPL v3
flt_st.py Flight state machine 1 RIF, 2017-2021 GPL v3
kb_cmd.py Console interface 1 RIF, 2017-2021 GPL v3
esc.py Electronic speed control driver control 1 RIF, 2017-2021 GPL v3
imu.py Inertial measurement unit sensor Jeff Rowberg, 2012 MIT
gnc.py Guidance, navigation, and control functions 1 RIF, 2017-2021 GPL v3
rif_cmd.py Sensor interface library module (RC, GPS, baro-alt, magnetometer) 1 RIF, 2017-2021 RIF* Proprietary
ATMega2560_4chRC_GPS_Alt_Mag_BaroFix3.ino CRIUS All-in-One Pro sensor interface executable module 1 RIF, 2017-2021 RIF* Proprietary
*RIF – Robotics In Flight LLC